Orders: GBAOX10

Detailed order format. The file starts with <?xml version “1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”>. This is followed by the ID tag, which indicates whether the file is in the valid format on the next line. The format is identified by <GBAOX10> and </GBAOX10>. The tag <ORDERLIST> contains the tags <ORDER> and <ORDERLINES>. <ORDERLINES> contains the tag <ORDERLINE>. All information about the main order is contained in the tag <ORDER>. All information on the order lines is all contained within <ORDERLINE>.

Note! All tag names must be included and entered in UPPER CASE. Max. length as in GBAO10.

The <ORDER> tag consists of the following fields:

Description Tag name Comments Required

Order number


Numerical (Used to separate orders)


Customer number


Numeric (no decimals). If 0, a new customer is created.


Customer name


Text (Customer name or number must be completed)


Invoice address


Text (colon represents a line shift)


Delivery address


Text (colon represents a line shift)






Your reference




Our reference (employee)


Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls)


Fixed text




Packing list text




Payment terms

<DATA4 >

Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls)


Response type

<DATA9 >

Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls)



<DATA15 >

Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls). The value must be 1 if Department=(None). Cannot be blank.



<DATA14 >

Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls) or blank for none


Delivery type

<DATA2 >

Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls)


<Not used>




Excise duty


Numeric (2 decimals) (Export only)


Order discount (amount)


Numeric (2 decimals) (Export only)


Order VAT amount


Numeric (2 decimals) (Export only)


Total order amount


Numeric (2 decimals) (Export only)


External order number




<Not used>






Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls)


The <ORDERLINE> tag consists of these fields:

Product number


Text (Product number or description must be completed)






Quantity ordered


Numeric (2 decimals)




Numeric (3 decimals)


Discount (in %)


Numeric (2 decimals)


VAT code


0: Fetch from product
1: Zero VAT
Or: Table (StdReg_xxx.xls)


Warehouse number


Numeric (StdReg_xxx.xls). Warehouse must be connected to product.


Delivery date


Date (Format YYYYMMDD)


Tip! If you have imported a product number that is longer than 35 characters, you must go to the product list under View – Product – Product Register, in order to see the full product number.

If the product number does not exist in Mamut’s product register, the entry is created as a free-text line. In this case, the invoice will be correct but potential sales statistics will be reduced.

When an order is imported it must be attached to an existing customer number in Mamut Business Software. If the customer number does not exist within the contact register, a new customer is created for each imported order. If the address is missing from an order, the import looks for the contact within Mamut Business Software’s contact register and finds a delivery or invoice address. Should the price be missing, the import will search for the price within the product register and replace the empty price from the import.

Read more about:

Order Formats