Order Formats

Order number

All lines that have the same customer and order number are considered to be one order. New order numbers are allocated on import into Mamut Business Software. The existing order number is saved in the field for external order numbers and comes across with exports from this field.

Product number

If the product number does not exist in Mamut Business Software product register, the entry is created as a free-text line. In this case, the invoice will be correct but potential sales statistics will be reduced.

The product number ‘DESCRIPTION’ will be created. When the product ‘DESCRIPTION’ is created it is important that you check the incoming and outgoing VAT for the product. Should these values differ, you are able to adjust each order line after import.

Customer number

When orders are imported, they will be connected to an existing customer number in Mamut, if the customer already exists or has been imported previously. Information about the customer ID number in the external register (ExtID) will also be saved in Mamut Business Software during the import, even though it is not shown in the contact register. The import undertakes a search for the following combinations:

If the system is not able to find a match for any of these combinations, the customer will automatically be created as a customer in the contact register in Mamut and the order will be connected to the new customer.

The separation character between the fields is a semicolon, not a fixed column width. The figures specified under Max length indicate the maximum number of characters allowed in each field. There will be created as many lines as products within the file.


If the address is missing from an order, the import looks for the contact within Mamut’s contact register and finds a delivery or invoice address, on the understanding that the customer number is identical and contact name are identical or used in the import file. If the contact in the contact register does not have an address, this will be updated from the import file.


Should the price be missing, the import will search for the price within Mamut’s product register and replace the empty price from the import. Be aware that discounts cannot be fetched in this way.


VAT is fetched automatically from the product register if the product number exists and the VAT code in the file is 0 (or blank).

Common error:
The most common error is that one or more of the following fields are imported with invalid values. Payment terms, Department, Project or Stock number. Ensure that none of these fields are blank in the order after the import. ‘StdReg_xxx.xls’: Read more in Default Values in Mamut Business Software for more information about how you can export a list of which ID’s are in use in the database.

Read more about:

Sales Order Import

Description of CSV file formats

Orders: GBAO10

Orders: GBAOX10