Sales Order Import

In Mamut Business Software you will have to link each order line to a product if you wish to set a price for it.

If a product number does not exist in the Mamut Business Software product register or if it's inactive, the order line will be linked to a product called DESCRIPTION. If there is no product with the name DESCRIPTION, these will be created when necessary. When you create order lines against the DESCRIPTION product, all prices and amounts on the order will be correct but the opportunities to create sales statistics are reduced. Descriptions on the order line will be as in the import file.

When creating DESCRIPTION products, it is important that you check Input and Output VAT on the product. If this varies you can enter this on each order line after importing the order.

Note! Sales order imports can take a while when you have many and large orders.

Read more about:

Mamut Import/Export

Customer import

CSV import formats, Overview

Description of CSV file formats

Order Formats