Customer Import

The first time you import customers to Mamut Business Software, each customer will be given a new customer number. It is important that all lines in the import file contain a customer number.

If you wish to make repeat imports of the same database, you have to tick the Update existing customer/supplier/product check box. The means that Mamut Import/Export can be used to keep two synchronised customer and product registers, for example. Existing items will be updated with information from the new import file. New items in the import file will however still be added. If you want the import to update the existing information, but want to keep some fields unchanged, you can leave these fields blank. The existing information will then be stored in the contact register within Mamut Business Software.

If you do not tick the Update existing customer/supplier/product check box all items will be added as new items and assigned new numbers (Customer ID, Supplier ID and Product ID). The items ID or names decides if the item already exists, depending on the basis of comparison you selected (CompareKey). If this correlates in the file, in the Mamut Business Software contact register and you mark the check box, then the item will be updated.

Tip! Before importing data to Mamut Business Software, it is recommended that you create a backup copy. If you have a recent backup copy, you can always restore the system if the import does not turn out the way you wanted. Create a backup copy by clicking File - Backup - Create Backup.

System-created Activities

The system creates an activity automatically when you choose to import contacts.

Read more about:

Mamut Import/Export

Sales order import

CSV import formats, Overview

Description of CSV file formats

Customer Formats