Customer Formats

All lines in the import file need to have the customer number filled in. If the customer number being imported does not exist in the Contact register in Mamut Business Software already it will be used or a new number will be allocated automatically (if you did not select to update the existing one).

If you select that the import should update existing information but would like some fields to remain unchanged, then these fields may be left blank. That way, existing information in the database will be kept.

Importing Company contacts

Regardless of which customer or supplier import format you are using, you can import several company contacts to the same contact by having several lines with the same customer number in the import files. Select to Update existing clients/suppliers/products during the import process. Please note that company information in Mamut Business Software will be overwritten with information from the last of the lines in the import file carrying the same customer number. Thus all information about customers (customer name, address, telephone number etc.) should be the same for all lines in the import file that share the same customer number. These fields may also be left blank except for the first of the lines with the same contact number.


Each line shift in the address field is indicated by a colon in the import file. When exported, the line shift will be converted to a colon.

‘StdReg_xxx.xls’: Read more in Default Values in Mamut Business Software.

Read more about:

Customer Import

Description of CSV file formats

Customer: GBAC10

Customer: GBAC15

Customer: GBAC20

Customer: GBACX10