The Contact Card

The Contact work area allows you to view and edit the contacts and contact persons already registered within Mamut Business Software. In addition, you can create new, edit and manage all information related to your contacts. The structure of the Contact window is similar to the Contact Management window within your Mamut Business Software application; both are divided into two main components.

The top section contains shortcuts to other areas within Mamut Online Desktop and also a toolbar with the most common actions within the contact area, such as creating new contacts or editing existing ones. More information about the general icons in the toolbar can be found here.

In addition, the following actions are available from the toolbar within the Contact card:

Contact person: Click here to create a contact person linked to the contact.

Map: Click here to view the contact's address on a map. The map will open in a new window.  

Travel route: Displays the travel route from your address to the contact's address.

Sales Order: Click here to create a new sales order.

The bottom section of the Contact window is arranged into the following panels: Contact information, User-defined fields, Group, Contact persons, Activities, Sales Orders and Additional.

Note that you can add and edit information in all of the panels except User-defined fields and Groups. In these two panels you can view information, but you cannot edit it.

Use the arrows located on the right hand side of the window to maximise and minimise the panels and navigate through the information. You can also click Collapse all and Expand all on the top right hand side of the page.

In the Contact Information panel you can register general information about the contact, such as name, address, telephone numbers and status. You can also register notes in the Note field and by clicking the button RTF you can also export the notes to a Microsoft Word document. Notes entered in Mamut Business Software cannot be edited. In order to add a note to a contact or contact person in Mamut Online Desktop, you must switch to the edit mode. Click Add text to the left of the note field and enter the text in the window that opens. Files that are pasted into the notes field in Mamut Business Software cannot be opened via Mamut Online Desktop.

Note! You cannot format text in the Notes field in the same way as in Mamut Business Software.

The User-defined fields and Group panels allow you to classify and segment your contacts. Remember that in Mamut Online Desktop these panels cannot be edited, you have to do so directly from your Mamut Business Software application.

Register a contact person for a contact in the Contact Persons panel. Registering contact persons makes it easier for you to locate the person you wish to contact or refer to in different situations.

Registered activities for this contact can be viewed and edited from the Activities panel. By using the fields Duration, Status, Type and Responsible, you can filter the activities shown in the activity list. From this panel, you are able to edit the activity by clicking the subject, or to mark it completed by ticking the box in the column Completed. Read more about activities in Mamut Online Desktop here.

In the Sales Order panel you can find all types of sales orders linked to this customer. This includes unprocessed sales order, credit notes, invoices and more. Via the Add new button you can create a new unprocessed sales order directly from the list.

In the Additional panel you can include different data related to the contact, such as the VAT to apply, currency, language, discounts or the project and department linked to the contact.

Note! The registrations made via the web browser and Mamut Online Desktop, as well as locally within your Mamut system, are synchronised continuously. This means that the business always has access to up-to-date information.

Read more about:

The Contact Work Area

Managing contacts in Mamut Online Desktop

How to create a new contact in Mamut Online Desktop

Important Tools on Mamut Online Desktop