How to Assign User-defined Access

You can assign user-defined access to a user if you do not wish to use one of the predefined access templates. The predefined access templates cannot be deleted or edited.

There are two ways of assigning user-defined access to a user:

How to assign user-defined access to an existing user:

  1. Within Mamut Online Desktop, click Settings - Account Administration - User Administration.

  2. Click the name of the user you wish to edit.

  3. Click Edit in the screen that opens.

  4. Check the radio button User-defined access.

  5. In the list that is displayed, choose between the radio buttons No, Read, Full or Custom Access for each work area.

    If you select Custom, you can click the Edit link in order to define the access to each individual control within the work area.

  6. Click Save & Close.

The user has now been granted access to the functions of your choice.

You can also assign a predefined user access template for each user. Read more about this here.

Read more about:

How to Assign a User Access Template

User Access Administration within Mamut Online Desktop

How to Invite Users to Mamut Online Desktop