The Mamut Validis Variance Analysis provides a quick and easy way for you to compare all the numbers on your financial statements in one period against another period.
The variance analysis can be used to compare annual figures (providing a comparison of both monetary values and percentages), quarterly figures, or monthly figures; it’s also easy to switch from one to another.
How to view the Variance Analysis
To view the Mamut Validis Variance Analysis of your accounting data, follow the steps described below.
Select from the menu option Management
Reports - Variance Analysis.
The results of the variance analysis carried out on your Profit &
Loss will now be shown.
The information displayed initially depends upon the extent of your
accounting data. If the data goes back far enough, a comparison of the
two most recent complete sets of annual data will be shown. Otherwise,
if there is less than one year’s data, a quarterly comparison will be
displayed. If there is less than one quarter’s data, Mamut Validis
will display a monthly comparison.
To change the data being analysed, use the drop-down
list at the top of the screen:
First select the type of data to be compared: annual,
quarterly, or monthly.
The options provided depend upon the data available. Then select the two
periods to be compared. Here again, the options provided depend upon the
data available. Finally, click on the Apply
change button. The screen is re-displayed with the appropriate
variance results shown.
Click Apply Change
to update the screen.
If appropriate, use the buttons at the top-right of
the screen to change the financial statement being displayed, as follows:
Displays details of your Balance Sheet.
Displays details of your P&L.
To expand and collapse the display, click on the arrow buttons.
You can now view the Variance analysis with
the specified criteria.
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