Within the Management Reports section of Mamut Validis, the following functionality is available to assist you in comparing your financial statements and values as well as examining the overall performance of your business.
What is the Variance Analysis
The Mamut Validis Variance Analysis provides a quick and easy way for you to compare all the numbers on your financial statements in one period against another period.
The variance analysis can be used to compare annual figures (providing a comparison of both monetary values and percentages), quarterly figures, or monthly figures; it’s also easy to switch from one to another.
The analysis can be carried out using any of the periods that have been extracted from your accounting software. So how far back in time the analysis can go is determined by the earliest complete period of un-archived data held by your accounting software.
What is the Ratio Analysis
The Mamut Validis Ratio Analysis provides a quick and easy way for you to examine the performance of your business, by comparing values for key business metrics in specified periods.
The Ratio Analysis can be used to compare annual figures, quarterly figures, or monthly figures; it’s also easy to switch from one to another.
The analysis can be carried out using any of the periods that have been extracted from your accounting software. So, how far back in time the analysis can go is determined by the earliest complete period of un-archived data held by your accounting software.
The information shown includes values for:
Profitability - Gross profit margin and Operating profit margin
Performance - Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Capital Employed (ROCE).
Efficiency - Debtor days and Creditor days
Liquidity - Current ratio and Quick ratio
Gearing - Percentage and interest cover.
This provides useful information, based on your data, which may not be readily available from your accounting software. Mamut Validis also provides facilities for you to download the data to an Excel spreadsheet, if required, for further analysis.
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