View - Project - Project Register
In the Project Register, you can register projects and keep an overview of the many Contacts, Sales, Invoices, Quotations, Activities, Documents, Time sheets, Products, Employees, and Sub-projects linked to the project.
How to create a new project
Select View - Project and Project register.
Click New.
Enter the desired No. / Project class and name as well as a more detailed description in the Description field.
When you fill out the Planned start date and Planned end date the program automatically fills out the project's Planned duration. Enter the actual start/end dates when you know them.
Select whether the project is Internal or External in the Type drop-down list. If you want to be able to Re-bill purchases, invoiced hours or fixed price amount, you will need to set the project to external.
Change the % Complete if this is set to 0. You can create your own percentages in the Properties register by right-clicking the mouse and choosing Change in properties register.
Select if the project is linked to a department.
Enter the project's Priority in the drop-down list.
Select the employee in your company who will be Responsible for the project.
Enter Notes if necessary.
The Available in accounting check box is defaulted to this setting. Un-check this if you do not want the project available in the program's accounting modules.
Click on the Budget button to enter budget numbers for the project.
Click this icon to enter the project's URL should
it have a website.
You can add more information under the tabs in the bottom half of the Project Register.
Save the project.
The project has been created.
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