View - Product - Product Register
- Price
A product can have one price or several different prices determined by date. You are able to use a price calculator to set up prices for your products. You can specify expenses both as factors and as percentages, and discover how the price will be affected when, for example, the purchase price, expenses or sale price is changed.
If you want an overview of previous price fluctuations for products, select Company wants to track the price history for products in the module settings for product.
Settings for the use of prices in other components of the program
Show on external price list: Select this if you want the product to be displayed in the external price list. The list can be printed out for individual customers with specific discount information, etc.
Override cost price in sales module: Select this if you want to be able to change the cost price on product lines in orders.
How to edit or create a price by using the price calculator
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