View - Employee Register -
Human Resources - Absence
Absence management helps you keep track of your employees' absences and the reasons for them.
Absence is registered continuously throughout the year for every employee and distributed over the different absence types. Read more in How to register absence.
You can set up the absence types in the Properties register to match your company's requirements. The Properties register can be found by going to View - Settings - Company database - Properties register or by right-clicking in the Type of absence drop-down list in the absence registration window and selecting Change in properties register.
In addition to registering new absentee cases you can also edit and change already registered absences. Should it be necessary, you also have the option to delete an absence registration.
To get the best possible overview of your absence register you can select to show absences for the current or previous year only. You can sort the register content by clicking on the heading of the column you wish to sort by. Right-clicking in the register will allow you to see a preview report of the content, print it out or export it to Excel.
By clicking on the Settings button
at the top of the employee card you can register the employee's standard
working hours, lunch hour and total working hours per day. By default,
the absence register will enter absence in whole working days, but if
you mainly register absence by the hour, you can enable this by ticking
the box.
If you would like to print out an absence report you can click on the
Print button. In the selection
window that will open, you can select which employees, periods or From
and To date will be included in the report.
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