Product Register Tab: Product Bundles

If the company offers products consisting of several components, such a product can be defined as a Product bundle. One can, for example, envision a company that offers an office solution comprising two bookshelves, a chair and a desk. In this case, the whole product can be defined as one product bundle. The bookshelves, chair and desk are defined as components.

Tip! You can also use product bundles as templates by creating a product bundle for combinations of products you often use. You can then enter the bundle into the order and extract it, instead of adding each product one by one. In addition, you can use this functionality when different VAT handling on component level is required.

In this tab you select:

Read more in How to create a Product Bundle.

Product bundle which has components

Select this check-box, if the product is the product bundle itself. A list opens, from which you can select the single components for the product bundle. Only products with activated Component is part of a product bundle are shown in this list.

Buttons in this screen

Click Link to add a new component to the product bundle.

Click Edit if you want to edit the amount of a selected component.

Klikk Delete link to delete a component from the product bundle. You cannot delete a component in product bundles with stock in warehouse or added to an order. If the product bundle is assembled, it must be disassembled before you can do any changes. Read more in Assembling/disassembling Product Bundles.

Drop-down lists

Set up reports

This is where you indicate how the product bundle is presented on quotations, orders, invoices and purchase orders.

Price regulation

Here you select how the price regulations are to work.

Warehouse update (sale and purchase)

Here you select how your warehouse updates are to work.

Component is part of a product bundle

Select this check-box, if the product is a component that is included in a product bundle.

Button in this screen

Click Go to to go to the selected produckt.

Lists in screen

Show this component

This list displays all product bundles that this component is linked to.

Show all components

This list displays all product bundles that this component is linked to and in addition all other components the selected product bundles contains of.

Read more about:

The Product Register

How to create a Product Bundle

Assembling/disassembling Product Bundles
