Variations in the Webshop

Note! The product variations functionality is only included in the Mamut Enterprise E5 solution. Go to Help - About to see which Mamut solution you have.

If you have a website with a webshop, you can sell your variation products in your webshop.

Enabling variations for sale in the webshop

  1. Go to View - Product - Product Register and find the main product of the variation you wish to sell on your webshop.
  2. Open the Variation tab, highlight the variation you want to sell in your webshop and click Edit.
  3. In the window that opens, tick the box Should be available for sale on one or more websites.
  4. Click OK to close the window.
  5. Repeat the above steps for other variations of the main product you wish to enable for sale within your webshop.
  6. Open the Webshop tab and tick Should be available for sale on one or more websites and in the Active column tick the website or websites the product is going to be available on.
  7. Click Save on the main product's product card.

The variation(s) are now enabled for sale in your webshop.

Tip! Through the Variation tab in the product card you select which Default variation will show when customers decide to view detailed product information in the webshop.

For the changes to take effect in your webshop, you will need to update your website and webshop

  1. Go to View - E-Commerce - Edit Website and under the tab Menu select Items in your Webshop.
  2. Ensure that the main product, for which you want to sell variations, is included in the list of products to be sold online.
  3. Click Close to exit the window.
  4. Go to View - E-Commerce - Update Website to upload the changes to your webshop.

The variations are now available for sale in your webshop.

Tip! If you would like to indicate that a product has variations in the webshop product list, you can go to View - E-Commerce - Website Settings - Settings Webshop - Other tab and tick the box For products with variations: View link to selection of variation in product list. Example: 'Select properties'.

Read more about:

Product Variations

Variation Settings