Account Administration allows you to
activate, edit, delete and purchase Microsoft Office 365
Purchase accounts allows you to buy additional user accounts. If you have Mamut One Bronze, you will be able to Purchase Mamut One Connect accounts by clicking the respective button. Read more here.
Activate new account allows you to create a new user account for the service. This button is only visible if you have available accounts. The amount of available accounts depend on your licence. Read more about how to activate a new account here.
The screen includes a list of all of the users that have Microsoft Office 365, and includes the username, first name, surname, display name and the location where the service is going to be used.
Note! Deleting a Microsoft Office 365
account does not imply that the corresponding user in myMamut
will be deleted as well.
In addition, under Actions you have the possibility to view more detailed information, edit and remove the Microsoft Office 365 accounts by clicking on the corresponding links.
Tip! We strongly
recommend that you to create and administrate your Microsoft Office 365
users through myMamut. In this way, you ensure
that they have access to Mamut Support Centre
and that they are able, if necessary, to create
support queries.
Read more about:
Activating a new Microsoft Office 365 account
Assigning access to services to an existing user
Purchasing additional user accounts
Microsoft Office 365 Administration
The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to order or get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.
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