Via the Mamut eZ Publish
Settings screen, you are able to edit the Mamut eZ Publishadministrator
as well as to manage the languages for
your website. This screen is divided into two
main panels.
Mamut eZ Publish administrator information
The Mamut eZ Publish administrator information panel allows you to edit the first name, the surname and the e-mail/username of the Mamut eZ Publish administrator. The information displayed here is the same as you registered in the activation wizard. The first name and the surname can contain up to 200 characters while the username must be an e-mail address.
Click on Edit in order to update the information, introduce the corresponding changes and then click Save.
Language for your website
Note! The options available on this
panel depend on your Mamut eZ Publish
This panel displays the first and second language of your website. If you have not selected a second language, you can do so through the corresponding drop-down list. Note that once the language has been selected you cannot undo your selection through this screen. If you want to change the language you are have to do so by registering a support case through the Mamut Support Centre.
Read more about:
Mamut eZ Publish Administration
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