View - Contacts - Contact Management
- Settings
The Settings tab allows you to set up and specify the Customer, Supplier and Accounts ledger. You are able to tailor each contact. The information you enter here is important, as it is transferred to the Sales and Invoicing module when you create a new order for a contact.
What settings are available depends on whether or not the contact is a Customer or Supplier.
Customer settings
The button Customer is where you specify the settings for contacts who have customer status.
State the Payment terms, Delivery terms, Delivery methods, VAT and Rounding that apply to the customer. The alternatives you select here will appear as the default each time you create an order for the customer.
how the customer will receive Sales orders/Invoices, from the Printer medium for sales and invoicing drop-down list. If you want to e-mail the
Sales order/Invoice you need to use Microsoft Outlook
To give the contact a flat discount on all orders, enter the percentage in the field Order discount in %. The percentage you enter here will then automatically be deducted from the price of an order.
Decide in which currency you would like to invoice the customer. The currency choice you make here is the currency chosen for your Company database. The currency will automatically be used on orders you create in the Sales and Invoicing module. Note that you can override the contact’s currency on orders in the Sales and Invoicing module.
If you select Yes in the Batch order drop-down list, when you create a new order in the Sales and Invoicing module, the order’s status will be set to Unprocessed batch order. If you select No in the Batch order drop-down list when you create a new order in the Sales and Invoicing module, the order’s status will simply be set to Unprocessed order. Note that you can override these settings on individual orders.
It is recommended that you select Yes in the Automatically generated status file drop-down list. This function helps to keep your customers updated on the status of orders they have placed in your web shop. Each time you change the status for an order that is imported from your web shop, e.g. transferring an Unprocessed order to Invoicing, a status file with information on this will be created automatically. The next time you download an order from your web shop by clicking on Get web site data, the status files will automatically be sent to the specific contacts. This way your customers will be updated on how far their order process has come. Read more about customer status files here.
If several of your contacts
are part of the same chain, you may want to invoice head office for all
If the contact constitutes one such Head
office, select Yes from
the drop-down list. Other customers
can then be set up with the Head office.
Supplier settings
If the contact is marked as supplier, the Supplier tab will be active. Here, you can state the terms for any purchases you make from the supplier.
Decide on Payment terms, Delivery terms, Delivery methods, Exchange rate in purchases and VAT terms that apply for the supplier. Each new purchase from this supplier will be registered under these terms. You can however override the information for each new case.
If you have a fixed discount with the supplier, enter the amount in Agreed discount %. The discount you enter will be automatically deducted from the purchase total when you register a new purchase.
Select also in which way you want amounts rounded by using the Rounding drop-down list.
If you have two suppliers for the same product, you will naturally wish to order from the supplier who gives you the best terms; therefore, a field is set up for supplier rating. Here you can select from the highest A grade, 1 AAA to the lowest, 5C. The evaluation is available in the Purchase module in those cases where you have several suppliers to choose from. Note that you can change the values shown by right-clicking in the drop-down list and selecting Change in properties register.
Enter your own customer number in the field Our customer number as an easy reference for the supplier.
In the field named Double entry N/C Journal entry select the account you use when registering a purchase invoice from the supplier from the chart of accounts.
Ledger settings
In the Customer and Supplier Ledger settings you can specify customer and supplier credit details; you also enter if the customer or supplier should be sent payment reminders.
Set a limit to Customer credit and Supplier credit in the respective fields. You will be notified that the credit limit has been exceeded if you attempt to register/invoice an order/delivery. You can also select whether a customer’s or supplier’s account should be put on stop by ticking the Account on hold box. Accounts on hold will show a symbol for credit block in their contact card and you will receive a notification letting you know the account is on hold when trying to register orders or make purchases.
Select the conditions you want to apply for the customer/supplier in terms of Reminder and Group for late charges.
There are also various settings for Credit charges.
Supplier payments and payments are usually credited to account 1100 the Debtors control account, and account 2100 the Creditors control account. You can override these if other accounts apply.
Tip! You can change default settings by right-clicking on several of the drop-down list and selecting Change in properties register.
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