Deleting a contact person

CRM - Contact Management - Contact Person List

You can delete a contact person, but only if it has not been used in Mamut Online or Mamut Business Software. If it has been used, for example on an order, you can instead set the status of the contact to Inactive.

Note that the ability to delete a contact person is dependent on your role. Read more about roles here.

How to delete or deactivate a contact person

  1. Go to CRM - Contact Management - Contact person list.
  2. Find your contact person by searching , and then click on Go to contact person under the Action column. Read more in Searching for a contact person.
  3. Click Delete at the top right corner of the contact person card.

If the contact person has not been used anywhere in Mamut Online or Mamut Business Software you will receive a notification to click the confirmation button Delete. If the contact person has been used, you instead get the option of deactivating the contact person, making it Inactive.

When a contact person is inactive it will not be shown in the default contact list. You can however, filter to show all your inactive contact persons.

How to show inactive contacts persons

  1. Go to CRM - Contact Management - Contact person list.
  2. Click Show inactive at the top left of the screen contact list.

The contact list now shows inactive contact persons. If you now choose to print the contact person list, inactive contact persons will be shown as well.

Read more about:

Searching for a contact person

Creating a new contact person

Deleting a contact

About Manage Roles


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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