The Journal Entry Card

Via the Journal Entry Card you can enter journal entries. To access the journal entry card click New - Journal Entry in the top menu or click on Journal Entry on the Accounting work area and then select the card you wish to open.

The window is divided into a journal header (Journal Entry Information) and a section where you register the single journal lines (Journal Lines). The design is similar to the journal entry window in Mamut Business Software to make the functionality easy to use.


The top section contains shortcuts to other areas within Mamut Online and also a toolbar with the most common actions. More information about the general icons in the toolbar can be found in Important Tools within Mamut Online.

Add New Contact: Here you exit the journal entry card and enter the contact card to enter a new contact or to edit an existing one.

Journal List:Here you exit the journal entry card and enter the journal list. Via the Journal List you can, for example, Transfer finalized journal entries to the Nominal Ledger in Mamut Business Software and Delete obsolete ones. Read more The Journal List.

Journal Entry Information

The Journal Entry Information contains the header information of the journal.

Entry No.: Once a journal has been synchronized, the journal number will be shown.

Journal Type: Here you select the type of the journal, e.g. credit note or invoice.

Transaction Date: Here you enter the date of registration. Today's date is pre-entered.

Period: Here you select the period in which the journal shall be posted.

Journal Lines

Into the Journal Lines panel you enter the single journal lines. In order to save a journal entry, a minimum of two journal lines must be entered. The amount entered below Debit and Credit must balance.

Add new line: The journal lines window starts with two lines, one for debit and one for credit. The button Add new lines makes a new line in the journal entry lines if needed.

Account No.: You can enter the account number directly or select it from the N/C list. To open the list, click the search button next to the field or enter a part of the account number into the account field. The list will then open and you can choose the correct account.

Description: As soon as you have selected the account, the description text of the account will be entered automatically. You can overwrite the text.

Project: Here you can assign the journal entry to a project by selecting the project from the list. This column can be de-/activated via the User Settings for Accounting. Read more in User settings for Accounting.

Department: Here you can assign the journal entry to a department by selecting the department from the list. This column can be de-/activated via the User Settings for Accounting. Read more in User settings for Accounting.

VAT: Here you assign the correct VAT.

VAT Report Code: Here you assign the report code which shows which 'box' on the VAT return the journal entry line will be reported to. Please note that the default VAT Report Code from the Chart of Accounts in Mamut Business Software will be automatically entered upon saving if you leave this field blank. This column can be de-/activated via the User Settings for Accounting. Read more in User settings for Accounting.

Currency: Here you can enter a different currency for the invoice's amount, if you don't want to use the pre-entered currency of the company database.

Debit: Here you enter the amount for the Debit line. A journal entry must consist of at least two balancing journal lines. The sum for the Debit of all journal lines must be the same as the sum for Credit. Whether you have to enter the amount in the debit or credit line, depends on the account no. you have chosen.

Credit: Here you enter amount for the Credit line. A journal entry must consist of at least two balancing journal lines. The sum for the Debit of all journal lines must be the same as the sum for Credit. Whether you have to enter the amount in the debit or credit line, depends on the account no. you have chosen.

Delete: You can find this icon on the right hand side of the screen, if you are in the editing mode. Click here in order to delete the active journal line. It will then be marked with a blue arrow on the right side and it will be deleted from this journal as soon as you save. As long as you haven't saved, you can undo the delete process by clicking on the blue arrow.

Read more about:

Important Tools within Mamut Online

About Journal Entries

Getting started with Journal Entries

The Accounting work area

The Journal List

Working with Journal Entries

Transferring Journal Entries

User settings for Accounting


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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