The Equipment Card

The structure of the Equipment Card is similar to the other registries within Mamut Online. It is divided into two main sections.

The top section contains shortcuts to the other areas within Mamut Online as well as a toolbar with the most common available actions within the Equipment, such as creating new equipment or editing existing equipment. More information about the general icons in the toolbar can be found Important Tools within Mamut Online.

In addition, the following actions are available:

Loan Equipment allows you to loan a piece of equipment directly from the equipment card.

Return equipment allows you to return loaned equipment.

Export allows you to export the equipment card to an Excel sheet.

The bottom section of the equipment card is arranged into six panels: Main information, Music score details, Detailed information, Acquisition details, Supplier details, Loan details and Loan history.

Use the arrows located on the right hand side of the window to maximise and minimise the panels and navigate through the information. You can also click Collapse all and Expand all on the top right hand side of the page.

Note! You are able to define which fields you would like to have displayed in the equipment card through the User Settings. These settings are personal and only apply to the respective user. The description below refers mainly to the fields included in the default setup, and therefore displays the default fields and functionality. Read more about User Settings for Equipment here.

Main information

In the Main information panel you are able to enter general information about the equipment. This means, the equipment Name, Category, Location, Description as well as information regarding the User defined fields.

Through the User Settings you are able to predefine the default values for Location and Category that will apply for all new pieces of equipment. The User defined fields are customised through the Company Settings.

Music score details

Note! This panel is only available if you have defined your business as a music organisation in the Company Settings for Equipment.

The Music score details panel allows you to enter detailed information about your music scores. In user settings for equipment you can chose which fields you want to show.

Detailed information

The Detailed information panel contains further information about the piece of equipment, such as Brand, Manufacturer and Size. You are also able to register additional information about the Equipment condition, for example if the item is damaged. In addition, you can include an ID tag, in case your organisation uses its own tagging system.  

Acquisition details

Within the Acquisition details panel you are able to register all the information regarding the acquisition of the piece of equipment. This includes the Acquisition date, Acquisition price and the Invoice no. You can also register the Warranty end date, as well as upload a copy of the Invoice.

In addition, if you have uploaded the purchase invoice; you can open it by clicking the View button.

Supplier details

The Supplier details panel allows you to register all details about the supplier of the equipment. It includes fields for Name, complete Address, Telephone and E-mail.

Loan details

The Loan details panel provides you with a quick overview of the loan situation. Here you can check who the Borrower is, the Loan date of the loan and the Due date. In addition, the Status informs you about the situation of the items: available (green), on loan (yellow) and overdue (red).

Loan history

The Loan history panel provides you with historical information about the equipment's loan history. It includes a sortable list with Borrowers, Loan date and Return date.

Note! Through the Properties Register in your local installation of Mamut Business Software you are able to add, edit and delete the values that appear in some of the drop-down lists in the Equipment Card (Location, Category). To do so, go to View - Settings - Company - Properties Register in your local installation of Mamut Business Software. More information here.

Read more about:

Equipment Register

User Settings for Equipment

Company Settings for Equipment

Loaning and returning an equipment

Registering new equipment


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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