Getting started with Equipment

In order to get started with the Equipment, you must first connect to Mamut Online.

You can read more about connecting to Mamut Online in Getting Started with Mamut Online.

Settings in Mamut Online

Company Settings

Before you can start using the Equipment you are required to define the Type of business in the Company Settings. Here you need to specify whether your company is a business, a sports club, a music organisation or other type of organisation. It is important that you are aware that the selection you define here will determine the panels and fields shown on the equipment card as well as the default values for category. To access the company settings in Mamut Online click on Company Settings - Equipment - Equipment

Read more in Company Settings for the Equipment Register.

User Access Administration

The Super User is able to define which functionality within the Equipment the users of the company database are going to be able to access. For example, the Super User can restrict access to register new loans or to send e-mails from the loan card. The different access rights are defined through the User Administration screen which can be accessed by clicking User Administration - User Administration.

Read more in User Access Administration within Mamut Online.

User Settings

Within the User Settings you are able to modify the settings to suit your personal preference and specific requirements for performing daily tasks. This means that you are able to select fields, check boxes and default values that will appear on the equipment card and on the loan card. To access the user settings in Mamut Online click on User Settings - Equipment - Equipment.

Read more in User Settings for Equipment.

Settings in Mamut Business Software 

Through your local installation of Mamut Business Software you are able to define some of the default values for the Equipment. This includes the default values for category and location as well as the values for the drop-down lists in the equipment card. You can add, edit and delete these values through the Properties Register by clicking View - Settings - Company - Properties Register in your local installation of Mamut Business Software.

Read more here.


Once you have defined the company and user settings, you can start registering your pieces of equipment. Read more about how to create new pieces of equipment in Registering new equipment.


The Equipment is integrated with the Contact Management module; this means that it retrieves information about your existing contacts. Therefore, when loaning a piece of equipment, you are able to link the piece of equipment in question to the contact (not the contact person) that is loaning it.

Read more about the Contact Management module in Mamut Online in Contact.

Equipment Work Area

When you have registered your equipment and contacts, you can start using the Equipment. You can access the work area by clicking Work Areas - Equipment within Mamut Online. Read more in The Equipment Work Area.

Read more about:

Equipment Register

About Equipment


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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