In Mamut Point of Sale you have the possibility to apply discounts to the sales you enter.
Note! Be aware that in order to be
able to apply discounts, you need to be provided with access to the functionality
by the Super user. Access is provided by clicking Administration
- Users and Security and then double-clicking the corresponding
Types of discounts
You are able to apply three different types of discounts to your sales: discount to a sales line, discount to the sum of the sale and default discount in % of order total for a customer.
Discount to a sales line
You are able to apply a discount to a sales line. This is done by selecting the sales line and manually entering a value in the Discount field. The value is a percentage and you are able to see the final product price next to Total. Alternatively, you can edit the product price directly in the Unit price field.
You are able to combine this discount with a discount on the total sales sum and with order discounts in % on customers.
Discount to the sum of the sale
You are able to apply a discount to the sum of a sale. You can either apply a discount in percentage or a fixed sum. You do so by clicking on the Discount button in the main screen. In the window that opens you are able to register the discount in the field for percentage or for fixed sum.
In the lower right corner of the main screen the sales sum before and after the discount, as well as the discount amount are displayed.
Discount to the sale of the sum can be combined with additional discounts to sales lines.
Default discount in % of order total for a customer
Default discounts in % of order total for a customer are inherited from Mamut Business Software and cannot be edited in the customer card in Mamut Point of Sale. The percentage discount you have assigned to an specific customer is automatically deducted from the price of an order. This discount can manually be overwritten or deleted by clicking on the Discount button in the main screen. You are then able to edit the percentage or to enter a fixed sum.
The total price and the final price with the discount are displayed in the lower right corner of the main screen.
Discount to an specific customer can be combined with additional discounts on sales lines.
This discount is registered in the Settings tab in the contact management register in Mamut Business Software which can be accessed by clicking View - Contacts - Contact Management. Click the Customer button and enter the Order discount in %.
The report Overview over price changes displays a list of products that have changed price during the sale and includes the ordinary and the new price. More information about reports here
Processing discounts to the sum of the sale to Mamut Business Software
When transferring your sales to Mamut Business Software, discounts on sum of the sale (both in percentage or fixed sum) are recalculated as percentage discount on each of the sales lines in the sale. This is because discounts to the sum of the sale do not exist in Mamut Business Software. Note that this recalculation might cause small discrepancies that will be posted as rounding product lines.
For the same reason, when retrieving orders with discounts from Mamut Business Software, the discount will be displayed per sales line in Mamut Point of Sale and not to the sum of the sale.
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