Company Databases

A company database within Mamut represents one accounting set/one unit. Accounting firms often refer to this as 'clients', whereas a company database for others, handling several companies, means one company/business. You can have several company databases in a single installation of the program. The maximum number of available company databases depends on your program licence.

When starting the program for the first time, you will be guided through a wizard that will help with the most important settings required to get started. A number of settings are set by default. Much of the core data is already included and you can select to use some of this data, e.g. you can choose to apply the chart(s) of accounts that come with the program.

Later on, you can create more company databases. When you do so, you will be able to select whether you want to 'take information with you' from another company database. This will help you save time adjusting the settings for the new company database. You can also select to copy contacts and other information to the new database.

It is possible to create a new company database on a work station within a multi-user environment; this can take a long time. If you may are running Windows XP with Servicepack 2, it is recommended that you create new company databases on the server machine.

When you create a new company database, you may also select to do so with the help of a wizard.

Read more about:

Installing the Program

New Company Database

The Example Database

Database Utilities