Database Utilities

File - Database Utilities

There are a number of database utilities to help you manage the program. Some of these are password protected, in order to protect your system from unauthorized use, among other reasons. Others have been created purely for use by the Mamut Support Centre or authorised retailers.

The utilities can be found under File - Database Utilities.

Example Database

Install a new company database containing sample data. Read more here.

Edit posted invoices and journals

Opens a window for editing posted invoices and journals. You are required to authenticate yourself to use this functionality and will not be able to access it if you are not set as a Super user or have not activated it within the Company Settings for Sales and Invoicing. Read more here.

System Information (Microsoft Info)

Displays system information if Microsoft Info has been installed on the computer.

Go to the System's Program Folder

Opens the folder containing the system's program files in Windows® Explorer.

Go to the System's Data Files

Opens the folder containing the system's data files in Windows® Explorer.

Go to the Company Database's Document Directory

Opens the folder containing the system's company database files in Windows® Explorer. Read more about the document directory here.

Go to the System's System Data Files

Opens the folder containing the system's system data files in Windows® Explorer.

Read more about Installed Files.

For Support

This contains the functions that are for use by the Mamut Support Centre only.

Translate system tables

This tool translates the language in the system tables to the operating language. This may become useful when you have changed the language of your program installation.

Download System Update Files

Every now and then the software provider offers a system update; available for download via the Internet. To do so, you use the database utility Download System update files. Please note that this function is only available to the system administrator. Read more about updates here.

Company Handling

Company handling helps you create accounts within your Chart of Accounts for several company databases/clients at once. This may be particularly useful if you have a number of company databases with identical or very similar Charts of Accounts. .

Read more about:

Installing the Example Database

Company Database Handling

Download System Updates