Installing Example Database/Evaluating Additional Products

Within the example database you are able to test the program without affecting your company data. You are also able to evaluate the various additional products and enterprise extensions before you purchase them.

Within the wizard for first time start up of the program, you are able to select if you wish to install the example database.

Many will have already installed the example database by using the wizard for Installing the Program. If you are unsure about this you can check by selecting File and Open Company database. A list will display installed company databases.

If you are already a customer but wish to evaluate additional products or expanded products, you can do this by using the example database.

To install the example database, select File - Database utilities and Install example database.

Note! When you log on to the example database you will be able to select evaluation product and any available additional product for it.

It is also possible to remove a company database from the installation by clicking Delete in the company database list.

Read more about:

Evaluating the product and testing its functions

Database Utilities

Opening a Company Database