Administrating the program

Select the Administration button to go to Mamut Point of Sale administration area. Only users with access to one or more of the functions can open this window.

Cash transactions

Cash Withdrawals and Cash deposit

Accountancy tasks

Cash register reconciliation

At the cash register reconciliation the contents of the cash register is counted for sales that took place since the previous reconciliation and up until a point in time you define. The Cash register reconciliation is initiated from the Administration area. If you have not activated the End of Day always follows Cash register reconciliation function in the Options under the 'End day procedure' tab, you can carry out several cash register reconciliations per End of day procedure.

End of day procedure

This option is only active if the End of Day always follows Cash register reconciliation setting under the End of day procedure tab is turned off. By default this setting is turned on and thus the Cash register reconciliation and End of day procedure are undertaken as one routing process.

System Administration


You can find the Options via the Administration button. All options are common for all users but not all users have access to the options window.

Users and Security

Mamut Point of Sale allows users access based on pre-defined roles, which can be customised to a certain extent. A user is allocated a role and through this is given access to a set of functions.  


It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the reports available. You can see a short description of a report's content by clicking the report heading.

Manage Licence Information

Through this window you are able to administrate the cash registers connected to your Mamut Business Software installation. It also allows you to set cash registers as active and inactive.


Update Products and Customers

Mamut Point of Sale is based on the Product register of the accounting system. The products are imported during the first-time startup. After the first-time startup this function is used to import the Product and Customer registers from the accounting system (Mamut Business Software) and updates the forms of payments as well. This function should be used routinely.  

Update stock levels

This function is a part of the End of day procedure but you can also choose to open it to run manual updates. The function will only display if the Show 'Update stock levels' in Administration settings is activated under Options, End of day procedure.


The Status fields give an overview of the key figures since the last End of day procedure.

DataTools: DataTools contains functionality for the administration of SQL-server-based databases. Examples of such functionality are backup, checks and repairs of the database, connecting to and disconnecting from a database and viewing database information. You can start DataTools from the Windows Start menu, under the Mamut Point of Sale product group.

Read more about:

About Mamut Point of Sale

Options, End of day procedure