Quotation/Sales Order/Invoice/Credit note

The quotation/sales order/invoice/credit note is shown when you create a new or view/edit an existing quotation/sales order/invoice/credit note. Read more about working with quotations and sales orders here.

Information shown on the quotation/sales order reflects the company settings in Mamut Business Software and by the user settings for Quotations/Sales order in Mamut Online Desktop. Read more here.


  Click on the User Settings button, to go directly to the user settings for Quotations/Sales order. Here you can adjust the information shown on the quotation and order card. Read more about the user settings here.

Quotations/Sales orders contain some data from the customer's contact card, such as the customer's address. By clicking Go to contact, you can switch directly from a quotation/sales order to the contact card. It is important to remember that changes to the contact card will only effect new sales orders. If you want to do a small adjustment in an existing quotation/sales order, you can enter the quotation/sales order and adjust it manually.

Click Preview PDF in order to view or print a quotation/sales order or an invoice/credit note. From a sales order, you are able to select if you wish to print out a sales order confirmation, Service order or Pro forma invoice for the actual sales order. From an invoice and a credit note, you are able to view and print out an invoice and a credit note in addition to the options for the sales order.  Read more here.

Delete/Credit button. Click Delete if you wish to register a quotation/sales order as a Lost sale or as a Cancelled Order. Quotations/Sales orders with these statuses will be deleted from the Sales lists, but not from the database itself. The advantage is that you can still use them for statistics and reports. When you open an Invoice the functionality of the button is Credit. Click Credit if you wish to create a credit note of the invoice. Read more about creating credit notes here.

You have the possibility to duplicate a sales order or a quotation when you view/edit an existing quotation/order/invoice. Click Duplicate, and in the dialog box that appears you first have to choose if you would like to duplicate to a sales order or a quotation. Then you must decide to which customer you want to duplicate. Possible options are Active Customer and Other Customer. Selecting Other Customer activates the contact list and you simply select the desired customer.

Click Invoice if you wish to invoice your unprocessed sales order/unissued credit note. Read more here.

Note! If a sales order has stock transactions or purchase reservations, you will not be able to change the status to Cancelled or Lost sale. These buttons will therefore be greyed out when you click Delete.

You will find more information about the general symbols in the toolbar here.

Quotation/Order Information

In the panel Quotation/Order information you will find the following fields:

Invoice address, Delivery address, Project, Your ref. and Payment terms: These values are taken from the customer's contact card. All values can be changed for this single quotation/order.

Currency: The currency is taken from the customer's contact card in Mamut Online Desktop

Probability of sale: This drop-down list is used in connection with sales forecast. Select one of the states (lead, needs analysis, meeting, contract and waiting for information) for the sale and the percentage field will update accordingly.

Quotation date/valid to and including (Quotation only): State when the quotation is valid from and how long the quotation will be valid.

Due date: Change the value for Payment terms in order to adjust the Due date.

Invoice date (Sales order only): Here you can enter the invoice date. If you leave this field empty, it will be filled out automatically with today's date when you are invoicing the sales order.

Date of production: Here you can enter a production date, this field can for instance be used if your company sells perishable products.

Date of delivery: Here you can enter a date of delivery. In the company settings for Sales and Invoicing in Mamut Business Software, you can define whether the prices should be taken from the delivery date rather than the program date. Read more here.

Our ref.: Via this drop-down list you can assign an employee as responsible for the quotation/sales order. Via company settings for Sales and Invoicing in Mamut Business Software you can predefine a reference. Read more here.

Reference: Here you can enter a reference code which can be used for handling and filtering.

Product Lines

In the panel Product Lines you will have access to the following fields and functionality:

Clicking the Expand button will give you more information about the product.

Add new: Via this button you can insert a new product line. Depending on you user settings for Quotations/Sales orders in Mamut Online Desktop, a new product line will be created or the product list will open, from which you can choose the product you need. Read more here.

Product no., Price and Tracking no.: These values are taken from the product card in Mamut Business Software, but you can overwrite price and tracking no. for this sales order.

Description: Here you will find the description for the product. Note, that Mamut Online Desktop does not support product descriptions in more than one language.

Qty.: Here you enter the amount of products you are selling to your customer. The field will be empty, when you insert empty product lines from the product list.

Disc (%): Here you can enter a discount for the product. The discount hierarchy within Mamut Online Desktop is not as detailed as it is in Mamut Business Software. This means that the sales functionality in Mamut Online Desktop only supports manually defined discounts and specific discounts set on each customer or a customer specific discount on products.

Surcharge: This setting is inherited from the contact register in Mamut Business Software, but you can also change the setting here. Remember that the surcharge depends on the product, which means that you may also have to register the setting in the product register. Surcharging has to be activated via the company settings for products in Mamut Business Software. Read more about surcharge here.

Product line text: Here you can enter text that describes the product. Product lines with a product line text will be marked with a blue square next to the text.

Show components: This link will be visible if the product in the line is a product bundle. By clicking this link you can see the components in a pop-up window. The components will be shown in the exact same way as in Mamut Business Software. All components will be shown, also products that are both components and products in product bundles. Components will not be included in the Product Lines in a sales order if you have selected a product bundle.

Delete: You can find this icon on the right hand side of the screen, if you are in the editing mode. Click here in order to delete the active product line. The product line will then be marked with a blue arrow on the right side and it will be deleted from this order as soon as you save. As long as you haven't saved, you can undo the delete process.  
If a product line has stock transactions or purchase reservations, it is not possible to delete the product line via Mamut Online Desktop. This has to be done in Mamut Business Software.

Tip! If the quotation/sales order contains more than 15 product lines on each page, you can use the arrow buttons to switch between pages.

The Product List

The Product List helps you to find the products you want to sell to your customers. In this list, you can choose all of the products you want to include in the order. It opens when you add a product to an order, if have activated the check box Open product list when adding a new product line in the User Settings for Quotation/Sales order in Mamut Online Desktop.

Via the arrows you can move forward or back within your product list. If you want to open a certain page, you can choose the page number directly from the list. Furthermore, you can define the number of records per page.

Search: In the drop-down list you can search by product number and product name. In the drop-down list for Product groups you can make a selection and search in product groups.

Insert: Insert the highlighted product.

Insert empty line: You can insert an empty line and then manually enter information about a specific product in the product line.

Close: After you have inserted the product lines for the quotation/sales order, click Close to return to the sales order.

Note! In order to create new products or edit existing products, you need to open the Product Register in Mamut Business Software.


The Miscellaneous panel contains functions from the Freight, Text and Miscellaneous tabs for Quotation/Order Registration in Mamut Business Software. Pre-entered values are also taken from the Miscellaneous tab in the contact card in Mamut Business Software.  

Department: From this drop-down list you can select which department within your company should be linked to the quotation/order.

Rounding: Here you can select how the sum in the quotation/order shall be rounded.

Delivery methods: From the drop-down list you can select how the products will be delivered.

Delivery terms: From the drop-down list you can select which term will be applied to a delivery.

Ready for transferring (Quotation only): This check box is used for filtering, so that it is easier to find quotations that are ready to be transferred to an order.

Ready for invoicing (Order only): This check box is for filtering, so that it is easier to find orders that ready for invoicing and have been picked from the warehouse.

Regular text: The text will be displayed on the quotation/order and invoice printouts.  In addition, you can predefine a fixed text via the Company settings for Sales and Invoicing in Mamut Business Software. Read more here.

Quotation/Order: In the company setting for quotation/order/invoice in Mamut Business Software you can state if you would like fixed text to be suggested by default when you create a new quotation/order.

Read more about:

About Sales

Getting Started with Sales

The Sales Work Area

Working with Quotations and Sales Orders

Create invoice from sales order

Lists in the Sales Work Area

Working with Unissued Credit Notes

Create Credit Note


User Settings for Quotations/Sales orders