Mamut Business Software Version
You require an up-to-date version of your Mamut Business Software program. Install the latest DVD you received or download the latest update from the web: You need to know the location where your Mamut Business Software database is installed so that you enter or confirm the right path to the database for connection to Mamut Point of Sale. Mamut Business Software must be installed and the first-time startup wizard completed on the same computer as the one running Mamut Point of Sale. Afterwards, you are able to release one user licence through Help - About - Manage Licence Information - Installed computers.
Payment Terms
In your Mamut Business Software database, you must register a Payment term with the description POS sales. You can register the payment term by clicking View - Settings - Company - Properties register - Payment terms. The form of payment must be Cash. Please make sure that the Available on the web box is not ticked. Under Advanced, select the option Post to Customer & Supplier Ledger.
Note! Check that the box for Cash is not selected under the Advanced settings of the payment term.
You must create a rounding product in Mamut Business Software and select this in the Mamut Point of Sale settings. The product must also be linked to the warehouse you are using for Mamut Point of Sale.
Read more about this under Options, End of day procedures.
Microsoft® SQL Server®
The program uses an SQL database. If you do not have a 2005 or 2008 R2 version of the Microsoft® SQL Server® already, the installation wizard will install Microsoft® SQL Server® Express 2005, a free version. You need to be connected to the Internet in order for the download to be successful.
Note! If Mamut Point of Sale
is not installed on the same computer as the SQL Server used by your Mamut Business Software
installation, and the computer is included in a work group, you must activate
the Guest Account on the computer running the Mamut Business Software
installation and add it to the SQL Server as an administrator.
You should give some thought as to who should have access to Mamut Point of Sale. Users must be registered in Mamut Business Software first. In the first instance, you should enter any 4-digit PIN-code for yourself. You need to remember this PIN-code when you start the program. For example, only the Super user has access to the End of day procedures. In the access settings you can determine who should be allowed to give discounts through the point of sale and who should be allowed to see the gross margin and create invoices. Read more about this under User and security.
Is the hardware ready for use? In the Settings window you enter the cash drawer, customer display, receipt printer and more. The system will then let you choose the receipt printer, which is installed on the machine by the point of sales, for example. Both the cash drawer and customer display are set up in the same way as a printer driver.
System requirements for Mamut Point of Sale
Company Information on Receipt Printouts
You can include company name, address or other information on the receipt printouts by clicking Administration - Options - Receipt. Enter the relevant information in the fields Text above product lines and Text below product lines and summary.
From which warehouse are you selling the goods? If you have more than one warehouse registered in Mamut Business Software you will need to select a warehouse during the installation process. Mamut Point of Sale is based on the product register in Mamut Business Software. The products are imported during the first-time startup and routinely later on. Only products without a Serial number, Consignment or Expiry date can be transferred. The products will also need to be linked to the warehouse from which the products are being sold - even if they are not stock items.
Stock levels are updated during the End of day procedures. You can also configure the system to update the stock levels more often, manually, if you prefer. Read more about this here.
Forms of payment for Cash, Bank card/Credit card and possible gift vouchers need to be linked to N/Cs in the Chart of Accounts in Mamut Business Software. The system automatically suggests N/Cs, but if you require special N/Cs, these must be created in Mamut Business Software first.
Routines for Cash Register Reconciliation
Do you use a cash register that is shared by several users or does every user have his/her own cash drawer? If you operate with separate cash drawers and cash register reconciliation per user, you need to enter this before you start. Alternatively, in the settings for End of Day Procedure, you can select that End of Day always follows Cash register reconciliation so that once a cash register has been reconciled, this will automatically start End of Day procedure. You should also set up denominations that work best for the system you use for bank deposits, before the first Cash register reconciliation. Maybe you also need a denomination for Cash withdrawals and Cash deposits. Read more about this here.
Shortcut Keys for Regularly Sold Products
Which products would you like to be available via shortcut keys? Usually, you select the best-selling products via the point of sales for this. You can define up to 16 products with shortcut keys in the registration window so that they register in just one click/hit of a button. The remaining products can be accessed via the Products button. Read more about this here.
In addition to the shortcut keys, there are a number of customisation choices in the Mamut Point of Sale options. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with these.
Tip! You can also refer to the
'Installation-checklist' section.
Read more about:
Installation - checklist